Where does Creativity Begin?
I heard one of our pastors recently say that you aren't going to find friends, you MAKE friends. Well guess what else? You're not going to just find inspiration or creative living until you take action. We are creative people by nature, but as we get older it continues to get blocked out. How & why does this happen? It is stuffed out of our schedules, homes, work spaces & minds. And because we're walking around as seasoned (could we even be scarred & sensitive?) adults.
We start to believe that being creative is not:
A wise use of time
These are some of the things that stop us from even trying. Have you also started to believe...
This is immature
People will think its stupid
There are already others who do it better
Guess what? Do it anyway. Who cares. My youngest son used to call grown ups "growing ups." I loved this because I think it's best if we just see ourselves as growing ups. We're on a journey & there are things that you love, things you have potential to grow in. Things that you can still do!
WHAT IF you actually started to:
LOOSEN UP! Don't take yourself too seriously
Try something you've always wanted to
By a canvas and some paints
Get a big kid camera & learn to use it
Pick up that certification!
Start blogging & writing
Start music lessons
Realize you're good at something & it might even inspire others!
Where do you even start?
Do you know that you can't even access any good ideas or inspiration when you are on the go, go, go? Your best ideas actually come to the surface in moments of stillness & quiet. I first heard about this in a session from one of the authors of The Power of Full Engagement on Managing Energy not Time. This is why some of your best ideas start coming out at 2am - 3am. It's not your mind's fault that you didn't take a second or an hour to be quiet. Build space into your day. Change your setting. Take a walk outside. Get markers out & draw. Paint a wall. Sit at an instrument & play.
If you've known me for any length of time at all, slowing down & being quiet is not my nature & it has had to be learned, developed & fostered. Now, I LOVE being alone. I LOVE silence. I LOVE controlling my thoughts & mind. And when I let myself go to that place, the ideas & passion starts to flow - AND I SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHT!
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The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper. Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Maecenas non leo laoreet, condimentum lorem nec, vulputate massa. Nulla lectus ante, consequat et ex eget, feugiat tincidunt metus.
My life is full of family, church, creating things, leadership, music, DIY, cooking, photography & oils... seems big & crazy, but so am I!
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Pour a cup of coffee or glass of wine & stay a while! Thank you for visiting & sharing in my love of bold living!