Jessica Perez

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Worship Set: Feb. 11 & 12, 2012

LOVE SONGS week 2 = totally, screamin', complete blast, meaningful worship, challenging message, wonderful time serving with friends...FULL heart, sore/smiley face.


the SONGS:

Don't Stop Believin' // Artist: Journey // Album: Glee  Season 1

Sing My Love // Artist: Kim Walker // Album: Your Love Never Fails

Mighty To Save // Artist: Hillsong // Album: Mighty To Save

Always // Artist: Kristian Stanfill // Album: Passion - Here for You

Better Life // Artist: Keith Urban // Album: Be Here

Your Love Is Strong // Artist: Robbie Seay Band // Album: Miracle (Deluxe Edition)


Well, Saturday started with us trying to get these 2 big enough on the center screen. They climbed onto this crazy set....

This is what we came up with. LOL!!

so funny...

"Don't Stop Believin'" About the most song ever! We were psyched to hear Sam shred the parts & Chris Z also did his fair share of shredding!! 

Better Life... "HOLD ON, We're heading for a better life!"

This guys are all so awesome. Absolute, top notch, not only musically, but their character & heart for God. 
SO proud to have them on our team. QUALITY! 

Glee has NOTHIN' on Anne & Andrew!!

Frigid morning...whoa. cold, cold, cold. Foggy & cold..

I loved having Layne play acoustic guitar. How fun!

Wes. Rules. 

I guess the pipes got sick last night. Ewww..Baaaaarf...

These are great shots by my lovely friend Janell...Such a wonderful photographer & friend!

Hang time = FUN!

And I'm now a proud owner of Temple Run..

Fantastic message!!! Wow... listen HERE!

Favorite pic of the weekend...

...taken by Katie Martinez & I sent this one through instagram. I'm a totally geek with photo apps. Awe-Mazing job, you two (and everyone else!)... Thank you for serving & blasting out your incredible God given gifts in the HOUSE OF THE LORD!!!  

xoxo the end! :) xoxo