Jessica Perez

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Worship Set: June 2 & 3, '12

**I'm RUNNING out the door camping! Just got the pics loaded & will leave the captions up to your imagination. :) LOL! Ok...maybe on Thursday I'll add captions...

We had *THE BEST* weekend! AGAIN! 

GOD is the only reason I can say that every single week. He is so present in this church & in our team. It's as if I'm swimming through a joy-fest every week....enjoy the music & pics!!! 

Thank you LORD for your blessings you continue to pour out.  We love You so much & lifting Your name high each week in joy-filled worship is the least we can do... xoxo


the SONGS:

Hosanna // Artist: Paul Baloche // Album: A Greater Song

I Will Follow // Artist: Chris Tomlin // Album: I Will Follow

Where I Belong // Artist: Building 429 // Album: Listen to the Sound

Never Once // Artist: Matt Redman // Album: 10,000 Reasons

Alive Again // Artist: Matt Maher // Album: Alive Again
*youtube the story behind Alive Again - You'll love it!**


the BloggyBits:


xo the end xo