Jessica Perez

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Worship Set: May 4 & 5, '13

Project One 2013 Great In Us // Artist: Elevation Worship // Album: Nothing is Wasted

Our God // Artist: Chris Tomlin // Album: Passion:: Awakening

I'll Fly Away // Traditional - Featuring Sarahbeth Taite 

You Alone Are God // Artist: Hillsong // Album: Mighty To Save



What an amazing weekend!! We began with Project One - - an amazing, serve the community day with 600 volunteers working at 50 sites around Northern Colorado. Amazing. I'm so proud of my church - year after year, after year. And to think, [IMO] this was our best year yet! Thank you Crossroads Church & Thank YOU GOD!!

Then church - so fantastic! Here are some pics to capture it! [gosh - only 3 pics!! What the? Keep reading...]


Sarahbeth & me

Confession time:  ....I must share what's randomly going on - My phone is "out of space" - - - computer - - -"OUT OF SPACE." I guess it's because of the 2600 photos on my phone & the 30,000 on my computer. Sheesh. Well how-the-heck am I supposed to take random, awesome pics for my bloggy bits? I'm on it. So sorry. My randomness will continue, hopefully next week. I'm gonna have to [gasp] delete some photos. Some are delete worthy - I just need to sit down and do it. 

Thanks for understanding & listening. hahaha to Stella...turning that red bench "seal skin" that's the black color. If you don't know what I'm talking about - - go look at the RV renovation page. Gotta make room for those pics too. Oh my, what will I do!

xoxooxxooxooxxoxoxoxxooxo Jess :D