Cabinets, knobs & the inspiration piece that's changing things!
It's time to talk cabinets, knobs & our sweetest find to inspire our little home on wheels! BEFORE: The original knobs: We....
- removed all cabinets & hardware
- Scuff-sanded - I just took a medium grit sand block & lightly roughed them up
- Primer
- Painted 3 coats
- Then realized that we should have started with filling the old knob hole.

So we...
- Filled it
- Sanded it smooth
- Painted again 2-3 coats - can still see it. Next tbd. It's a camper! Maybe the handle will hide it enough. Maybe I'm the only that will notice?...cause we're adding these knobs (see below) when we're done. See this adventure of us just going for it without knowing what we're doing step by step is fun!
PERFECT!!! Well, almost - - - now my peppery (cute orangish-red paint) isn't quite right. Ugh! I LOVE Peppery & it may still work..It works with the bedding, but not quite the gingham. And I LOVE that red/white gingham. We'll see what happens.
...coming home with mommmmmmma..... xoxoxo