Worship Set: Sept. 17 & 18, 2011

Love. Pure. Love. 
Vision. I'm all about it. 

Do a series on why we do what we do & I may just try to do a cartwheel!

Here are the songs that we did this weekend: 

"Open My Eyes" // Artist: Hillsong Live // Album: A Beautiful Exchange

"Run" // Artist: Hillsong Live // Album: This is Our God

"Rooftops" // Artist: Jesus Culture // Album: Come Away (Deluxe Edition)

"Take All of Me" // Artist: Hillsong Live // Album: For all You've Done

            "Our God" // Artist: Chris Tomlin // Album: PASSION: Awakening

Here are the BITS of this weekend: 

...Sam during Saturday practice...

Man Scottie! All dressed up!

 The band starting the run through on Saturday~Sounding so great, room projection on.

I love the graphics in this series, "US." Look at this sweet picture on the bottom left of this photo, a student who was baptized a few weeks ago. 

OK - - US-belong...was the talk of the century for me. We've been planning this series for months, but God, in His perfect timing, has been the one planning this series long before us. 

Crossroads Jewelry. I think I've warn all three of these pieces everyday for 3 wks. 
Mike Thousand, a Crossroads member & worship choir member, makes these! They are extremely meaningful to me & gorgeous.  

Point 3 in the message this weekend was this....
"They were committed to community" 
My dad, was talking about the early church in Acts 2:44-46. I like what the message translation says: 

Acts 2:46

The Message (MSG)
 46They followed a daily discipline of worship in the Temple followed by meals at home, every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God.

::They worshiped together, followed by meals & every meal was a celebration:: 

So I went home & made tortillas so that in the AM I could wrap breakfast burritos for the band..I wrap them....

...then placed them in a warm oven...

Dang, I forgot the final plan of burritos shot. I made 22.

Ah, love the dark spots & silly shapes of a fresh tortilla...

We don't need to talk about what this one look like. 

I started with egg, green chile & cheese & as I was going through the egg too fast, I added beans, then as the egg ran out, I added rice (from last night's dinner), then I was running low on beans & this happened. [i ate this one]

My fav church shoes

Good morning Lord! 

What a view:

juicy couture says, "do the don't"
that's how I justified my pink shirt & red shoes. :-)

Sam lost his pick this morning & the whole band stopped & was searching, because it was a $23 guitar pick! What the what? Wow, glad he found it! 

 And then as I left church this AM, the whole east side of the building was lined with cars being worked on for the Single Mom's Car Clinic. I think my heart jumped out of my chest. I did a circle to come back & get a pic!


And last but not least - - I concluded the weekend at Crossroads 101..
I love hearing about the Core of Crossroads. And from the class I can hear the kids laughing & jumping in the bouncy house & smell the pizza.

The sights, sounds & smells of building church community!