Stuffed Sopapillas w/ Steak & Potato

Oh auntie...she could have a waiting room filled with people waiting for her delicious, wonderful food. I learn so much from her & had a blast capturing her step by steps. I think it was exactly a year ago that I took the kids to her house on a Saturday, while I would be rehearsing & having church. She sent me away with two of these stuffed Sopapillas in foil & I've wanted them ever since. Now I need to try to make them myself & I think you should too.

You've got to start with tortilla dough...(click HERE for measurements)...and the filling...for now, refer to my beef & potato filling. Auntie's was steak, but I missed that part.

Here it goes!!!

Prepare the dough on the tortilla instructions until you're at this step.

cover them & keep them warm & moist

set filling aside to be coolish as you add it to the dough
make a disc out of the ball of dough
Roll starting in the middle of the disc, lightly up.
Turn a 6th, lightly roll up, turn a 6th, lightly roll up etc.
Place filling in the center
Fold over bottom & top
Fold over sides
Place seem side down
Place darlings under a towel to stay warm & moist
Have family off to the side playing Light Sabers
Place in oil seem side down
Whoops. Flipped to early & beginning to come apart.
Totally gonna taste good anyway, You know it!
Good assembly line going...
That's green chile in the back. Going on top at the finish.
Yes. The pile is building.
Sophia (age 4) ran by, smashed this one & ran off.
Still gonna be delish.
Happy Birthday Art!
The rest of the party...
there's AUNTIE!
 My beautiful sis-in-law Jen..
Art (Bompa) & Jackson!
Best part...Phia painting nails. Like everyone's nails...
...including Micah's.
"ooooh! Powish!"
Jen's amazing carrot cake..
Happy Birthday to YOU!