Mason Jar Lights
Our team had been shopping around for mason jar lights & really couldn't find the amount & scale we needed at an affordable cost. I'm so grateful, because I'm surrounded by such smart, engineering people. They figured out how to do this - I'm just delivering our instructions! Here is how we put together 200 lights on 4 strands of patio lights (50' each).
SUPPLIES: 4 50' patio lights (ordered online) 200 Mason Jars (pint size. ordered in 12 packs through Amazon) Bailing wire Zip-ties
Wire cutters, scissors, patience & a few friends.
These instructions will go by quickly. The pictures will mostly help you see how we made these.
Start by cutting slits in the lid...
...and thread it into the jar lid & top like so....
199 to go! Get your team to come snip lids, screw bulbs...thread it all etc.
How great are these!
Except, they're too heavy to hang. I'm like, "hang them ANYWAY!!" Good thing I'm surrounded by smart, logical people. They say, "You can wait a day! So they secured it with zip-ties & bailing wire. The wire actually carried the weight of the 50' strands of jars. They are very heavy.Another team adding zip-ties & wire....These add so much warmth, rawness & cozy atmosphere. We used them on our stage, but we've had so many requests to borrow them for weddings, school programs or community events. If you make them, be sure to share your photos so we can see them!They complimented the wood pallet walls so wonderfully too.