What a dream! I've always wanted a motorhome - like always - my whole life. When I was little I'd ask my parents, "Does that one have a bathroom?" "You think that one has a bathroom?" I even have memories of walking over to people & asking them about their RV... "Do you have a bathroom in there?" LOL. So this was probably borderline obsessed. One more confession then I'll move on. As an adult 40 weeks pregnant, all I wanted to do was to go walk through all of the campers at RV America. Seriously this is a little crazy, but true.
And here I am! I'm pinching myself, living the dream!!! We are so grateful for this incredible opportunity to get this sweet RV from a wonderful couple & before I knew it, I stumbled upon people renovating them (check out my pinterest board for some of my favorites)- - - next thing we know, we're having happy hour in the driveway, naming her & making a plan!
She's in fabulous shape & has the cutest floor plan.
This is the first place Micah went!
And so it begins! Here we are hard at work the first night!