Why Oils??
I first started using Lavender when I had a new baby in the house. I honestly don't even remember which one since there were 3 in 3 years! Well then I discovered different uses for them & fell in love with a few blends & these are still some of my favorites.
Grey Matter Batter | Creative Juices | Peace & Harmony
(You can find these at Natural Grocers)
I was also looking up home remedies for asthma & lavender is a natural airway opener. I got a diffuser & started putting that in my son's room at night to help him with bad coughing nights. He was hooked & now the others are too! They love oils & the diffuser at night.
A few months later I was in the market for another diffuser so that the kids could have one upstairs & we'd have one down on the main floor. That's when I started really thinking about jumping in on a Premium Starter kit with Young Living. It comes with a diffuser & 10 oils - plus I was out of Lavender...wanted frankincense, peppermint, lemon in water & recipes. I knew by now I LOVE oils & wanted to learn more & start really using them & getting the benefits from them.
[MEANWHILE I was SAVING UP FOR BOOTS. Literally, had a boot envelope, because of responsible adulting-budgets!] I had read somewhere about self-care vs healthcare and I decided this was a better use of money than boots that month. (Just to finish my story - the next month, I bought 2 amazing booties on clearance on nordstromrack.com. TOTAL win-win!) Oils & boots! YAY!
Before I start sharing my favorite uses & DIYs I make with oils, I wanted to get you the basics of what I'm even talking about!
Here is Premium Starter Kit & below the picture is a breakdown explaining all that's in it.
Premium Starter Kit $160.
It comes with a diffuser (you choose which one), 11 of the most popular oils, a roller, samples, and awesome literature.
Thieves Vitality - the healthy-keeper. It helps clean the air, boosts immunity, makes our digestive systems work their best, and is just the greatest.
Purification - gets rid of bad odors and it's also air-cleaning. feels amazing rubbed on the outside of your throat. I love it after a big house cleaning.
Copaiba Vitality - supports body's response to injury/irritation, is a driving oil (enhances other oils!), regulates my natural immune responses, can be soothing, promotes youthful appearance from the inside out ☺
Frankincense - Incredible for skin and staying healthy, eases occasional and minor tension/anxious feelings, keeps calmness and balance. Helps with youthful looking skin & I'm almost 40. My eyes are going downhill record fast!
RC - contains 3 different kids of eucalyptus which have naturally occurring eucalyptol (really good stuff), gets you up & going before working out. I keep this in my ski jacket & love applying it preworkout.
DiGize Vitality - supports a super healthy digestive system, eases nausea and upset/sour stomach, great for occasional irregularity or upset tummies, relief from occasional heartburn
Lemon Vitality - maintains energy levels, helps oily skin, and is great for detoxing your body. Love it in my water & baking lemon rosemary bread!
Stress Away - exactly what it says. We roll it onto our wrists and the back of our necks anytime we want it. It's in my purse ALWAYS!
Peppermint Vitality - helps me enjoy springtime outdoors, brings oxygen to the brain, supports digestive system, promotes proper nasal and respiratory function! I'm obsessed. I put this in my coffee & tea. Pure love! Best headache reliever ever.
Panaway - so many types of relief. Helps with occasional head discomfort, everyday joint and muscle soreness & my favorite post workout, post skiing oil!
Lavender - "the Swiss Army knife of essential oils." We use it for enjoying the springtime outdoors. great for relaxation, sleepy cream, pillow sprays, detox baths & a calm environment for kids & grownups alike.
Let me know if you want to come to my next Oils & Mimosas breakfast before school gets out or leave your email & I'll hook you up with a starter kit or oils to try!
XO ~ Jessica