Crushed Screens & Light Box
The backstory:
The earliest inspiration came from Anne, one of our worship leaders, texting me these pics from a conference.
We loved how icy they looked!
Then...I also have followed a lot of stage designswith this crumpled up screening as an inexpensive, powerful concept...
So about 3 months out, we begin exploring it..and here's Larry, our amazing, trusty carpenter bringing in a sample...
I'm dying - this is going to be great...
Here are the first set of 6 (4' x 10') pieces for our side walls. Larry attached a piece of wood on the top with eye hooks for us to hang them with. There is also a heavier piece of wood at the base to weigh it down & I like that I can roll the slack to make it tighter too.
First one up -
Now we have spread this concept into 2 concepts...6 on the sides for Christmas & then post Christmas, we'll add 6 more 20' screens...
Let's start with Christmas:
Here comes the post-christmas drawings....
This one got a "Huh?" from the others..but we were in the dark backstage with my sharpie.
Didn't quite translate.. :)
This one started making more sense to the creative team - I drew it up on my all time favorite drawing app called Paper53 on the iPad.
Here's execution day - center screen out, crushed aluminum screens hung...
Risers getting painted - in between eating slices of pizza.
Risers reset, now as a massive light box. Ah, the light box has its own story. I'll tell you about that next.
Part 2:
Light-box time!
So this one started last year at a restaurant in Denver -
These sweet lit up walls were dividing the place up. As always, I snap a pic & save in an iPhoto album for stage inspiration...
So I took our Lightbox & added electrical tape to the existing pieces - - which are roughly 32" x 8' sheets of coraplast, with 1' x 1' painted black strips.
Me & my love...
OOOh, sharp. Lights are coming on....
We lit the light box with 5 sets of 8' fluorescent strips....
The Lightbox was SO bright & a bit hard on cameras, as you can see. So we also tipped them back off of the coroplast from week 2 on.
More action shots since...
That's all! I don't have the exact cost of this stage...but others who have done similar sets have done it for under $600. Pretty sweet. Ah lastly - - here's what we lit the screens with: