The Chalkboard Piano
As you know by now, we have too much fun with our gutted piano. Check out our other creations. This whole journey began with this PUNK PIANO..
...then the gorgeous VINTAGE TURQUOISE piano...
then the stunning RED PIANO at Christmas...
Well next, the CHALKBOARD PIANO. I'm. In. Love.
This crazy inspiration hit me in the middle of the night & the next morning, during the message in one of the services I started painting it in the dark. Haha..
Then we just hit it - a coat a day until around 4 coats...
And I went ahead to see if the chalk concept would even work.
Awesome. I did use a little bit of water & my finger to smooth spots...
Ok, now Layne, a band member & Crossroads Creative, who seriously has fonts flowing out his finger tips...took a stab at it...
WOW!! This is the best ever spot...
Oh, but this is also amazing. The lyrics to Oceans (Where Feet May Fail). We did it at the end of the Easter message with a video. Amazing lyrics.
I changed from "HOPE RISING" to the next series, "Great by Choice" & it really did wipe up & draw up well still. So we'll keep having fun! I did fix this "by" - I don't love the way it looks. I better ask Layne to rewrite it this weekend. LOL.
So Layne took it over & look what happened this weekend -
Much better & totally fab!
One can only wonder what's next for this sweet piano. Probably at least a good sanding is in order.